Saturday 20 February 2016

The Battle of Badgam

    The battle of Badgam was fought on 03 Nov 1947. Two companies of 4 Kumaon were deployed on the hill features overlooking Badgam. As no raider activities were reported, one company was withdrawn at about 1400 hours. At about 1430 hours, half an hour prior to the time given for the withdrawal, the Company Commander of the second company, Major Som Nath Sharma reported that his company was under fire from the houses in Badgam village. Shortly, radio communication with Major Sharma was disrupted. Greatly out numbered by the enemy by as much as 7:1, the company of 4 Kumaon held out effectively engaging the enemy. The forward platoons of the company were over run. But Maj Sharma held out with the depth platoon. He was later killed by a mortar bomb. The officer was subsequently awarded the Maha Vir Chakra. The situation was restored as reinforcements arrived by 1700 hours. Air support was also made available for the operation.  An illustration of the operation is attached as Appendix D.

 1.     Causes of Success.         The causes of own success can by analysed as under :-

(a)       Though not tasked to fight to the last man and last round, the 4 Kumaon company did so, averting a running fight with attendant disadvantages.

(b)       Effective air support was provided which had as much of a psychological effect as fire power effect.

(c)        Sound leadership by Major Sharma, who realising the threat to Srinagar airfield on the fall of Badgam decided to hold his position inspite of heavy losses.

(d)       Injury to the Pathan leader, Khurshed denied him effective control of the operations. This also exposed a weakness of the raiding force which was rendered rudderless once its leader was ineffective.

2.   Factors Which Saved Srinagar.   To sum up, the factors which saved Srinagar from the onslaught of the raiders in Oct 1947 were as follows : -

(a)          The delay imposed by the state forces at Muzaffarabad.

(b)          The delay imposed by Brigadier Rajinder Singh’s party at Uri.

(c)        Time wasted by the raiders in their rampage at Baramulla.

(d)       1 Sikh’s delaying action at Baramulla and Pattan.

(e)       4 Kumaon’s heroic stand at Badgam.

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