Monday 15 February 2016


Situation on Gaining Independence

1.         On 15 Aug 1947, the independent dominions of India and Pakistan were born. Paramountcy of British Govt on the Princely States in the sub continent ceased. Govt of India gave them the option to join either India or Pakistan but not to remain independent. But Pakistansaid that they could remain independent also if they so desired. This was to foment trouble for Indiaas Jinnah knew that most princely states could either join India or remain independent.

2.         Position of J and K State.            The Maharaja decided to postpone the decision on the problem of accession, and decided to have a Standstill agreement with both India and Pakistan.

3.         The J and K State was not affected initially by the widespread communal killings during partition, but gradually Pakistan began to foment trouble by claiming that the Maharaja’s Army’s Dogras were murdering and terrorising the innocent Muslims of the state.  Pakistanalso began to threaten the use of their forces to save the Muslims for these supposed atrocities.

4.         By the first week of September 47, bands of armed raiders started infiltrating all across the borders of the J and K State with Pakistan, their purpose being to attack and loot members of the Hindu community. The raiders were frequently assisted by Pakistan Army personnel.

5.         The raiders succeeded in splitting up and destroying in penny packets the  J and K state forces strung all along the border.

6.         Simultaneous Economic Blockade by Pakistan. The Pakistan Govt tried to ensure the secession of Kashmirto Pakistanby means of imposing an economic blockade on J and K as well. The following measures were imposed to this effect : -

            (a)       Tapping of telegraph / telephone lines being operated by Pakistan.

(b)       All road and rail communication links between Pakistanand J and K were closed.

(c)        Supply of Petrol to J and K which was coming from Rawalpindi Depot was ceased.

(d)       Supply of wheat, salt, cloth and other articles from Pakistan  to  J and K State was ceased.

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