Sunday 14 February 2016

History of Jammu & Kashmir

1.         The state of Jammu and Kashmir is remotely nestled in the mountains to the North of the Indian sub continent. While the difficult terrain of the region afforded a natural protection, its aesthetic appeal attracted the attention of many a conqueror in the annals of its history.

2.         Early Period.            The region formed a part of Ashoka’s empire and was later ruled by Kanishka. It passed into the rule of the Huns in the sixth century before becoming a part of the Ujjain empire. It remained prone to capture by a series of conquerors.

3.         Medieval Period.     Kashmirwas ruled by the Mughals till the fall of the Mughal empire. After a period of tyranny under Afghan rule, it formed a part of the empire of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

Modern History

4.         British Period.         When the Sikhs were defeated by the British in 1846, the state was ceded to Maharaja Gulab Singh who acknowledged the supremacy of the British. The monarch consolidated the state by quelling fiefdoms in remote areas.

5.         Thus, Kashmir retains unique transcultural characteristics borne out of the historical vicissitudes of its rule.

6.         Post Partition Period.        The highlights of this critical period culminating in the first major military conflict of Independent India were : -

(a)       The monarch of the state Maharaja Hari Singh favoured an independent state despite being advised by Lord Mountbatten to align with either Indiaor Pakistan.

(b)       Pakistan eyed control of the state based on religious affinity and the ‘Two nation’ theory.

(c)        Sheikh Abdullah projected the aspirations for democracy and secularism.

7.         In this predicament, Maharaja Hari Singh signed Standstill Agreements with the dominions of India and Pakistan.

8.         When Pakistanresorted to pressure tactics followed by use of tribesmen for capture of the state in Oct 47, the ruler signed the Instrument of Accession ceding the state to India.

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